# Existing Fastly customers

For customers who either use Fastly to serve their site, or use a Fastly service, there are some additional steps to get Fudge up and running.

# You use Fastly VCL

If you already use Fastly VCL (Varnish Configuration Language), your setup will be a little different. Instead of making DNS changes, you will simply point your VCL service to our worker instead of your server, and our worker will point to your server.

# You use another Fastly service

If you already use a Fastly service, you'll have to do one extra step to get Fudge up and running.

Because of the way that Fastly assigns Domains to Services, you'll need to add an additional TXT record to your DNS.

This record will tell Fastly that you would like to use the Fudge service as well as your other Fastly service.

After this record has been added, you'll be able to continue with the normal installation flow.