How we do it
Fudge applies intelligent caching rules and performance best practices to make every page load as fast as possible.
Optimization strategies
Lean more about the techniques we use to keep your site fast.
Global website cache
We cache your site on 80+ data centers across 6 continents#, powered by Cloudflare and Fastly.
Most CDNs only cache your static assets, but we cache your dynamic content, too.
Visitors get a fast response, no matter where they're located.
Extract Critical CSS
Your site can’t display until all CSS has downloaded.
However, not all of your site’s CSS is necessary for above-the-fold content..
Fudge first loads the CSS needed for above-the-fold content, then loads the rest of your CSS later.
Defer Synchronous Scripts
Scripts without the async or defer attribute block your page's rendering, and are very common.
When the browser finds one of these script tags, it has to stop loading the page, download the script, run it, and only then can it continue.
Fudge automatically defers these scripts, including any other code that depends on it.
Preload Critical Images
Fudge pre-loads the most important images on each of your pages. This means users see your most critical content sooner.
Fudge supports responsive images meaning we preload the exact right image for your user’s screen.
We’re the only solution on the market that is able to preload responsive images automatically.
Fudge automatically defers these scripts, including any other code that depends on it.
Optimize 3rd Parties
Third party scripts can significantly weigh down a page.
We automatically de-prioritize 3rd parties, meaning your own code and content loads first, while non-essential scripts load asynchronously.
we also move some 3rd parties to the Edge, and others to a Web Worker, to further improve performance.